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Chelsea's Blog

EEBE Exchange to the Netherlands 2013

Four NSCC students and I left Halifax almost two weeks ago and since then it has been one new experience after the other. The most rewarding has been getting to know the four other NSCC students that I am traveling with. Let’s just say I have laughed a lot in the last two weeks. Our shared experiences have led us to be great friends that I know that I will have for a long time.

My favorite activity since being in the Netherlands is biking. This weekend we went on a bike trip to the farmland area outside Groningen with the goal of finding some old windmills. We were very successful and even met an engineer fixing a windmill built in 1904. He was kind enough to let us inside and look around. Afterwards we were also shown inside the nearby hydro plant. On the way home we came across an old traditional Dutch restaurant and had some typical Dutch soup to warm us up. Our day finished with us watching the bridge we had just crossed swing open for passing boats. We had a perfect Dutch day filled with windmills, waterworks and traditional food.

Chelsea Code-McNeil
Architectural Engineering Technician Student, NSCC
Waterfront Campus

Posted by NSCC Intl 07:24 Archived in Netherlands Tagged education netherlands energy abroad exchange nova scotia study efficiency

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