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Chelsea's Blog

EEBE Exchange to Holland College (P.E.I.) 2012

The last two weeks have been very busy and lots of fun! The first week was full of group activities and was a good introduction to others on the exchange. The exchange so far has been a great educational and social experience. I have learned invaluable skills that will contribute towards my portfolio such as training for the Hot2000 program, knowledge of international building practices, and experience working in a group with international students. It was a good window into how the skills that I have been learning over the last year at school will be applied once I get out into the field. I have discovered where my strengths and weaknesses lie in my knowledge base. I plan to go home and try and fill those gaps. Meeting a new group of people and living in a different place, even if it is in the same country has allowed me to develop my communication skills and personal skills. I have made friends that I know I can rely on and that I will hopefully collaborate with in the future.

Chelsea Code-McNeil
Architectural Technician Student, NSCC
Waterfront Campus

Posted by NSCC Intl 10:02 Archived in Canada Tagged technology the ireland island netherlands energy nova scotia prince edward sustainability efficiency

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