Zoe's Blog
Doing Business in Europe 2012
I can’t believe it but our time in the Netherland’s has finally come to an end. I am on the train from Groningen to Amsterdam where we will be spending our final night before flying back to Canada tomorrow morning. Yesterday we completed our final exams and presentations. The day began with 14 exams consisting of two questions each. The total writing time for the exam was 2 ½ hours and covered all the topics we learned about during the duration of our program. We then presented our final market entry presentations and law presentations. I think I can safely say we were all relieved to have the final testing completed, but maybe a little sad that it was all over.
Last night we went out for our farewell dinner to a Mexican restaurant in the city center, so yummy! A few celebratory drinks downtown of course, followed the meal.
The ‘Doing Business in Europe Program’ was a once in a lifetime experience which none of us will forget. We met some amazing people and made incredible memories.
Zoe Such
NSCC Business Administration Student
Posted by NSCC Intl 08:32 Archived in Netherlands