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NSCC in the Caribbean - Day 2

The morning started with a meeting of many delegates of the Trade Mission team with the Division Chief of the Caribbean Development Bank. The CDB is the leading catalyst for development resources in the Caribbean, so it is critical to understand their mandate and their procurement process for engaging consultants for projects that we would want to bid on. This was followed by a meeting with the Parliamentary Secretary in the Ministry of Health, who provided an overview of the issues and plans for Health, specifically for the one hospital in Barbados. As this is my first time in the Caribbean, and first time learning about funding and international projects, there is a huge amount to take in. On top of that, the government introduced a new budget yesterday. As the Senator said, it is a very dynamic time for Barbados.

NSCC went "speed dating" all Tuesday afternoon. As a way to save time for all, we met with eight local companies in one room in the space of four hours. It was an excellent way to connect with potential local partners for projects. The quality of people we met with was very high, and it was fascinating to see the flexibility of these small companies, who typically work in several countries in the Caribbean.

Posted by NSCC Intl 07:06 Archived in Barbados

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