NSCC Student as Keynote speaker at 2012 World Congress
The World Federation of Colleges and Polytechnics celebrated its II World Congress “Driving the Global Economy” in Halifax from May 26-29 with delegates from more than 57 countries, event hosted by the Association of Canadian Community Colleges (ACCC) and NSCC.
I had the honor to represent the students as keynote speaker at the congress opening ceremony, which was an amazing experience from the beginning to the end. For a few minutes before the opening, the group of speakers met in a conference room, including former president of Mexico Vicente Fox and National Chief Betty Ann Lavallee of the Congress of Aboriginal Peoples.
After the first meeting, we entered the Convention room; it was overwhelming to see the enthusiasm of the people. My heart was pumping faster and faster until the “Moment of the truth” when I walked through the stage and delivered my speech. The end of the presentation was one of those unforgettable moments in life because of the positive response of the audience. I had to confess that it was intimidating presenting to an important group of guests and delegates that crowded the convention centre, but I proved to myself that NSCC students are well prepared to deal with this type of situations.
The next day, I was invited to participate with three other students from NSCC and NSAC in the international students panel “Dialogues Worth Having”. That was another exciting opportunity to share ideas with people from other countries and institutions and also for networking.
The congress is over and I just want to say to the team at NSCC International, thank you!
Nicolas Mendoza
NSCC Business Administration 2012