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Micaela's Blog

Doing Business in Europe 2012

It’s hard to believe that it’s been 19 days since we first landed in The Netherlands. Only a few more days until we’ll be packing to go back to Canada. Time flies when you’re having fun! I know the majority of us have fallen in love with this country and are not looking forward to going back home.
Today the group went on business visits to Dutchbag and Gasunie. At Gasunie we were given a presentation on the company; when it was founded, how they created the pipelines and much more. Although we were not allowed to tour the main building, we were able to walk around the lobby and see the interior architectural designs of the building. There are rarely any 90 degree angles in the building; the walls, stairs and windows are made with pentagon shapes.
At Dutchbag we were also given a presentation as well as a tour of the facility. We were able to go into show rooms and see the different designer bags. We also got to get a sneak peak of the new collections from Daniel Ray, Axel David, Bagsac and more.
Tonight is the greatly anticipated Germany Vs. the Netherlands football game, which I know I will be watching along with the rest of the country. (90 minutes of football seems like a good study break right?) Go Dutch go!

Micaela Purdy
NSCC Student, Business Administration

Posted by NSCC Intl 11:24 Archived in Netherlands Tagged the netherlands international business nova scotia buisiness

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