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Katrina's Blog

Doing Business in Europe 2012

When I received notice of the opportunity "Doing Business in Europe", I immediately thought that it would be a great experience and I would be able to develop my understanding of international business. I had no idea how much I would actually be learning.
In The Netherlands, I am not only learning about international business; I am learning about culture and diversity as well. We have classmates from all over the world that are sharing their experiences, and their way of life, with us. Our professors come from every part of Europe, and are so full of knowledge and experience; I am grateful to be able to learn from them!
In class, we are learning about how to conduct business in each European country. The country specials are my favorite part of the program, because it is not just business, but history as well!
This experience has taught me so many new things, and I am so grateful for the opportunity to be a part of this trip! I encourage anyone that has a passion for learning, as well as an open mind, to pursue an international program. Thank you NSCC for allowing me to participate in this amazing program in Groningen, The Netherlands.

Katrina Harris
NSCC Business Administration Student

Posted by NSCC Intl 07:23 Archived in Netherlands Tagged the netherlands international business nova scotia

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