A Travellerspoint blog

NSCC in the Caribbean (Nov 22 - 26/10)

Day 1 - Trade Mission to Barbados

This week a delegation from Nova Scotia Community College (NSCC) is participating in a trade mission to Barbados. Sandra MacDonald-Clahane and Mary McKeough, both from Business Development, as well as Zoran Kondali from NSCC International are representing the College. The purpose of the mission is to build new linkages as well as to strengthen existing partnerships with education institutions, government ministries and other stakeholders in various sectors.

Some units at NSCC have a long relationship with the Caribbean region that dates back to the 80s and 90s. As of two years ago, our College has adopted a strategic approach in developing partnership relationships that will lead to student and staff exchanges, joint programs, business development initiatives and other exciting opportunities. As a result of these recent activities, we have been successful in accessing several Government of Canada funded scholarships that have allowed us to welcome student from the Caribbean at NSCC. We have currently 3 students from Sir Arthur Lewis Community College (2 in the Tourism Program at Akerley Campus and one student in the IT Program at Truro Campus) and 1 student from the Samuel Jackman Prescod Polytechnic (also at the IT Program in Truro).

Today was the first official day of the trade mission and we started off with an 8 am briefing at the local High Commission of Canada. The briefing was facilitated by various senior staff of the HC who provided us with a comprehensive overview of Barbados and its different sectors. We are very lucky to have the support of an excellent HC team in this country.

The day continued with meetings at the local Paramedical Association, the Ministry of Education and the local office of the Inter-American Development Bank. All the meetings have been very productive and have allowed us to gain a better understanding of the needs of the local industry as well as of the education sector. Our day here ends with a daily debriefing and planning session that allows all trade mission participants to reflect on their meetings, as well as to finalize the meeting agenda for the next day.

Tomorrow’s agenda includes meetings with representatives of the Caribbean Development Bank, as well as the Ministry of Health. In the afternoon we will be meeting with a number of local consultants with expertise in the education sector. We are also very excited about the fact that our Acting Vice President Administration, Monica Foster, will be able to join us in Barbados tomorrow afternoon. Monica’s presence and participation in the meetings will be a strong illustration of NSCC’s commitment to partnership engagement in Barbados. Monica will also sign on behalf of the College a Memorandum of Understanding with Samuel Jackman Prescod Polytechnic and we look forward to formalizing an already successful relationship with this partner institution.

I would like to acknowledge the generous support of the Atlantic Canadian Opportunities Agency, Nova Scotia Business Inc. and EduNova, all of whom have made this trade mission possible. Also, a big thank you to Stew Hattie and Paula MacKinnon, two consultants from Nova Scotia who have arranged and organized all our meetings. Thank you all for your support and assistance.

Zoran Kondali

Posted by NSCC Intl 13:31 Archived in Barbados

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