A Travellerspoint blog

Sally's Blog

Doing Business in Europe 2012

Sunday, May the 27th, was a sunny, warm, and beautiful day in Groningen.
We left Nova Scotia on Friday as a group of nine excited students; full of anticipation for the adventure we were about to embark on.
After a few plane rides, a train, a bus and a little walk with our luggage (Note to students travelling in the future, try to pack light!!). We arrived at Kornoeljestraat- our home for the next three weeks. We each found our room and took a few minutes to get settled. We had a few snags with trying to get our adapters to work but I was very relieved when I figured out how to use mine. After that long travel you might think we were tired out. But not us super-troopers, next up was a stroll to the supermarket to gather food and supplies to keep us energized. The prepackaged foods are fresh and look delicious. I gathered some pasta, fruits, and cheeses to cover myself for a few days.
Everyone came back to the dorm to put our groceries away but the day doesn’t end there.
Next our journey took us by bus to downtown Groningen.
The streets were alive with people. They were eating on patios, dancing to DJs, and cycling in every direction; the vibe was amazing.
We picked a random restaurant with incredible architecture and had a fabulous first meal.
A marvelous first night was had by all!

Sally Grant
NSCC Business Administration student

Posted by NSCC Intl 12:44 Archived in Netherlands

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Glad to hear you arrived and started to take in the culture. Enjoy!

by Shari Mallory

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