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Rachel's Blog

International Tourism Study Tour of Belize

Dis Da Fi Wi last Day in Belize…
Today started off like almost every other day in Punta Gorda, at Grace’s when our faithful (and awesome) guide Wilfred gave us a great surprise, we didn’t have to eat at Grace’s again that morning for Breakfast! So off we all went running to the Snack Shack for a fabulous breakfast of Waffles and Burritos and toast.
Today was our big travel day before heading back to Canada, and as we were all a little sad to be leaving Punta Gorda, most of us are getting excited to make the long trip home. So we started off on our bumpy four hour ride to the Cedar Cabins. It was an uneventful ride other than bumps bigger than most of our houses and random off-key sing-alongs, but it was all in good fun. Later the real adventures would come.
As we arrived at the Cedar Cabins just outside of Belize City, we were disappointed to find out that the pool we’ve all been eagerly awaiting has been out of commission for a month or so. Disappointing but we quickly bounced back after deciding to head into Belmopan City where we explored a small part of the Capital City and enjoyed the luxury of a fancy coffee shop and Brodie’s Super Mart. All in all, it got us out of our rooms for the day and out of our funks about the pool. As we arrived back from Belmopan City, the excitement started to rise, as two of our girls were getting tattoos this evening by a local artist by the name of Beto. Turns out he is quite talented as he fixed Sarin up with an amazing Gecko and Lauren with her Mayan Symbol. All in all it was an interesting evening with a celebrated dinner of Spaghetti and Garlic Bread. A card game ended our last evening in Belize or so we thought... Turns out Adam had a few large “Adam-eating” visitors (Tarantulas) in his bed, lucky for him, we had 20 spare beds for him to bunk in.
Overall it’s been an amazing, crazy, life-changing experience in Belize for two weeks and I can’t imagine doing this with any other group of people. It’s been certainly interesting and we look forward to seeing you all on the other side of that plane.

Rachel Smith
NSCC Tourism Management Student
Pictou Campus

Posted by NSCC Intl 07:16 Archived in Belize Tagged belize tourism nova scotia

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