A Travellerspoint blog

Mikumi Day 5 - Last Day of Class.

overcast 24 °C

We are winding down here at Mikumi and Jim is delivering his last entrepreneurship class. He is tying things together with review and questions and bringing the elements back into the business plan he presented on the first day. The faculty have been very engaged and interested in this training. This would be a great area for further workshops and we'll look at that as a possibility within our tourism project.

It's overcast here today - a nice reprieve from the heat. Just about everyone we have talked to has said that it will rain today or tomorrow and it will be most welcome. Aside from the short burst of rain we received earlier this week, it hasn't rained in Mikumi since June. Everything is so dry and many trees are without the leaves.

We are driving back to Dar es Salaam shortly after class finishes. We are planning to meet our colleagues from the Nova Scotia Agricultural College, Anna Haanstra and Natalie Cole for dinner. NSAC's International Office is involved 3 Education for Employment projects in Tanzania in the communities of Mpanda, Ilonga and Mlingano. Anna and Natalie will be delierving training at Mikumi for their colleagues from Mpanda and Ilonga. Before Christopher Ayo and Richard Magwadula came to Nova Scotia in September, they were doing Project Management training with their Mlingano colleagues in St. John's at the Marine Institute. NSCC, NSAC and MI have been working closely together on these Education for Employment projects in Tanzania and the input and collaboration has been very helpful for everyone.

Posted by NSCC Intl 10:10 Archived in Tanzania

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