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Emma's Blog

International Tourism Study Tour of Belize

So we are on day 7 of our adventures in Belize and still having a blast!! Time really fly’s when you’re having fun. We started the day off with breakfast at Grace's (I think we’re all getting addicted to the fry jacks and going to smuggle them home). After that we boarded the boat (driven by Wilfred, our tour guide) and went back to TIDE's protected area. We attempted to connect the signs that we painted yesterday to the wooden posts but had an incredibly hard time. The wood for the posts was the second hardest wood in the world and we only had hand screws and hammers. Haha fun times. We eventually got the signs together with the help of the TIDE Rangers and began to strategically place them down the river to try and stop people from hunting and cutting down the trees. We had an amazing ride through the river; I never knew there were so many shades of green. We were hoping to see a crocodile but no such luck. After putting up the signs we got to try our hand at cutting the weeds around the trees with a machete. This was really cool but of course this was the time it decided to downpour. I had a really great time seeing just some of what TIDE does and everyone seems to work very hard to protect the area.

After this we had the afternoon to ourselves to do whatever we wanted. Yesterday we met a lady named Brandi who told us about these things called a Wanna Banana. They are a frozen banana, double dipped in chocolate, coated in either peanuts or coconut. Yum. Unfortunately we couldn’t find them. Today though was a different story. Erin and I went exploring the town and on our second stop into a shop we found them. Yay. Let me tell you they were delicious. To end the evening we ate at Aaha’s where we met the very friendly chef and even someone from Montreal who works there, small world.

Well that’s all for now, getting up early tomorrow for our next undertaking.

Emma Stryker
NSCC Tourism Management Student
Akerley Campus

Posted by NSCC Intl 10:11 Archived in Belize Tagged belize tourism nova scotia

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