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Erin's Blog

International Tourism Study Tour of Belize

Day Three: Ian Anderson's Cave's Branch
This was truly a day of highs and lows, in the literal sense. After leaving the Log Cab-Inn after a fantastic breakfast, with my first cup of coffee since arriving in Belize (yay) we headed to Cave's Branch, where we went on a river expedition, cave tubing and exploration. The bumpy bus ride through the valley, lined with rows of orange trees, we made our way to the river.
The first low was plopping our butts into the middle of the inner tubes our guides, Alex and Pablo, gave us, and sinking into the wonderfully cool and lazy river. We floated our way to the mouth of a giant cavern, where the sheer beauty and mystic wowed us all.
With headlamps adorned and our guides leading the way, we made our way through the darkness of the cave, spotting incredible formations and minerals that sparkled like diamonds. We saw the fertility site with carvings set up by the ancient Mayans. We climbed higher and ducked lower through the rocky formations. It was exhilarating for some, scary for others, and an experience none of us will soon forget.
Coming out of the cave, after a delicious picnic lunch inside the cave and some more exploration, we saw the sun again, flopped back into the tubes and floated out into the jungle.
This was not the end. Many of us experienced another high as we climbed up the river bank and jumped down into the river below, a rush to say the least.
The bus ride back and tour of Mr. Anderson's Cave's Branch resort was breathtaking. The pool was definitely refreshing after the stuffiness of the cave and dinner was once again delicious, buffet style.
The day concluded with a debrief, recalling all the highs and lows of the past day as we sat with our feet in the pool surrounded by the jungle and all its sounds and beauty. An awesome day to say the least. Can't wait for tomorrow at Cockscomb Basin.

Erin Delorey
NSCC Tourism Management Student
Akerley Campus

Posted by NSCC Intl 08:41 Archived in Belize Tagged belize tourism nova scotia nscc

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Incredible, I am so happy you are all enjoying yourselves! Take Care and have fun! xoxo <3

by Karen Pidgeon

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