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International Tourism Study Tour of Belize

NSCC students and faculty prepare for their upcoming travels to Belize


One more sleep until NSCC’s International Tourism Expedition class depart for their study tour of Belize!

Ten students and two faculty (from three different Campuses) are travelling for a two week International Study Tour to Belize on May 9th.

In conjunction with their “in country” partner, TIDE Tours (www.tidebelize.org) learners will be experiencing the tourism industry, culture, nature and heritage of Belize during their travel from Belize City to Punta Gorda.

We’ll keep you updated on all of our activities and experiences over the next two weeks, so stay tuned and tell your friends!

Wendi Dewey
NSCC Faculty
Tourism, Akerley Campus

Posted by NSCC Intl 10:54 Archived in Belize

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I hope you have a great trip. Say hello to Ron when you arrive later today. yes, I am jealous guess I'll just have to travel through you folks and students on co-ops out west.

by Scott McKellar

Great pic of the group. Hope Wendy get her luggage soon. Have a great time. Sheila

by Sheila Best

I hope all is well Like Scott stated we are all jealous. Not really only happy all is well. Have a great time. If possible could you ask Erin if she could send me a couple of photoes of her in Vietnam. Merci! Et a la prochaine

by Larry

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