Anna's Blog
EEBE exchange student in Ireland
At the end of our first week at IT Carlow we were taken to Dublin for a tour of the Eircom (Tele-communications) building. First off, I want to say that Eircom has an amazing building and concept of what companies should doing. They have no fire suppression in most of the building; they have mostly passive ventilation that they call a triple glazed curtain, which is like a little pocket for air to flow upward into and out of the building! The way the building approaches the way a company is run is fantastic, no one person has their own office. All the work areas have common desks that anyone can use. Their pass will tell any desk or printer in the place that it is them would is trying to access their account, no one pays cash or card for lunch; they just use their pass as well. The building can process 10 people through for lunch with their pass before 3 people can pay with cash or card. Efficient is the name of their game.
Anna Keys
Construction Management Student
Waterfront Campus