A Travellerspoint blog

Come On You Boys in Green!

Energy Efficiency in the Built Environment Exchange to Ireland


Entering into the third exchange of the Energy Efficiency in the Built Environment (EEBE) project, students and faculty from NSCC and Holland College (P.E.I.) took the transatlantic flight to Carlow Ireland where they will be spending the next three weeks working on their EEBE project at the Institute of Technology Carlow.
The Canadian students were grouped together with Irish students for their projects which requires them to try and reduce energy consumption in order to reach "PassivHaus" standards in a residential home.
The group were greeted with great cheer and during the first week of the exchange were taken on various excursions including a football match in Dublin (Ireland vs. the Czech Republic) and a bus tour of castles, churches and beautiful countryside outside of Carlow.
Stay tuned for blogs and updates from NSCC students and Faculty!

NSCC International

Posted by NSCC Intl 06:32 Archived in Ireland

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Thanks for the Blogs! I enjoyed reading each of your experiences. Looking forward to hearing more and seeing those projects when you get home!
Have Fun and Take Care!

by Lisa Boyle

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