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Grietje Lier's Blog Entry

EEBE Exchange 2011 - NSCC

This morning we had to take the ferry to get to our first day at NSCC. We were picked up by two NSCC students which made us feel really welcome here in Halifax.
I was really surprised by the new NSCC building and how they try to make it a environmentally sustainable building. This was even more emphasized when we did the treasure hunt in the afternoon. The green walls, solar panels, wind turbines etc. make this building very different from what we have in Groningen.
After introducing ourselves we were divided into groups. I am in a group with students studying architecture, electrical engineering and civil engineering. I think working in this mixed group is the way to get the best out of this project. I’m looking forward to getting started with the project, which deals with two Canadian homes on which we are going to run a program to see how energy efficient they already are, what the main leakages are and what can be improved.

- Grietje Lier, Student, Hanze University of Applied Sciences Groningen

Posted by NSCC Intl 10:58 Archived in Canada

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