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Salvatory Ngakuka's blog

Tanzania faculty from VETA Mikumi reflect on their time in Canada at NSCC

sunny 23 °C

Since I came to Nova scotia I have got quiet a good chain of experience of many things according to my studies and visits at nscc Truro and Pictou campus. The visit is very impressive to me. I'm enjoying it be cause it's quite a good chance for me that I'm experiencing many good things which I didn't before.

I like good weather, the ever green vegitation,arrangement of streets,good teaching, good cooperation of the people and students of Nova scotia, their way of respect to traffic rules, the lovely existing peace which makes me enjoy my free walkings, good delicious meals
(salmon, sandwiches, milk, maple sugar, rice, chicken) and many other.

I dont like when the weather becomes cold,endless raining,when it happens that people look at me much,cold meals,when I'm ignored, when I don catch my teacher when he speaks fast or uses terms whish are new to me,when I make small mistakes to my hosts.

But still there are some of the things similar to my home like sunny days,good beaches in PEI, shaking hands, opening doors for others, good smiling of the Nova scotians, type of food ( chicken, meat, eggs, juice, rice bananas,milk).

Main diferrences are their way of preparing meals,menus, speaking and culture.

Concerning my learning: I learned how to be a dynamic Instructor. While at Pictou I took Super Host , tourism and hospitality.
Those courses will help me alot in my teachings when I go back to my college. They are of a good answer to my problems in teaching. The social interraction has widened my understanding to share experience not only with my students but family and staff members at large.

- Salvatory
Faculty member
VETA Mikumi

Posted by NSCC Intl 08:12 Archived in Canada

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