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Pasiens Nyoni's Blog

Tanzanian faculty from VETA Mikumi reflect on their time in Canada at NSCC

sunny 23 °C

i would like to inform you about our visit. we were oriented by Mr. Brayan and with the asistance of Mr. Paul and Marie we were ready to attand classes with Audrey. in class we people were also helpfull to make our understanding of the content. we have similarities like in ethecs for teachers and students, also in faced dilemma for both sides. we defer in a ways of handleling them e.g you have student apeal form which we dont have. And in solving disciplenary problems we focus on one side of punishing student while you look also on the other side of creating an invironment of avoiding student to enter into disciplinary problems which is good.

What i have learned as teacher you need to take a stock of what kind of teacher you are, know what kind of student you have so as to deside how and when to aply a certain type of teaching, and most important respect tostudent because are people just like every body else you say here "people matter than the programe".

Again the use of technology like power point and how to connect u tube clips which march the subject or examples iliked it. Visit study showed us mapple trees and how to tap maple juice which is boiled to get sugar. At PEI we so Markopolo Land camp site we can do some thing like that in our campus.

There is nothing realy i can say has caused me to complain that i dislike although i know you will say it is not posible but i have nothing to hide.

- Pasiens
Faculty member
VETA Mikumi

Posted by NSCC Intl 08:12 Archived in Canada

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