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Netherlands Musings

Doing Business in Europe summer school

2IMG_1428.jpgThe Dutch Way

My experience with “Doing Business in Europe” was very positive. While in Groningen we were shown things that could only be taught, by being there. Learning business in Europe means you have to learn the cultures of the people, which make up such a large population base. The business side of things can be taught in books... the success of business; however, is the ability to understand the cultures and their differences’. To learn that, I feel you need to experience it hands on.

The entire country depends on the polder system and water management experts. The Netherlands has had floods in their history from the beginning of time. In the 1950’s;however, was when the most devastating flood occurred. From that devastation, came the extensive project of building dikes, large enough to withhold water from both the inland water systems and the North Sea, became paramount. We walked on land that is under sea level. The events of New Orleans and the devastation they went through, in our short history, show us the importance of such a system.

I was blown away with the tenacity of the Dutch; to be stubborn enough to not let “nature” reclaim the land that make up the entire Netherlands was impressive. We were shown the dike systems and the windmills of old, and new. The old windmills have been replaced by energy driven power stations and the entire system runs with such effectiveness. The Dutch are able to farm the land and use their knowledge of building and dredging dikes and it has become a major business in itself. Their knowledge and proven results on the subject have made them experts, so that are sought all over the world! I have total respect for the Dutch, and to see it first hand and to be there in The Netherlands is something I will treasure forever.

Ramona Hardy
Student, Business Administration
Waterfront Campus

Posted by NSCC Intl 04:59 Archived in Netherlands

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