A Travellerspoint blog

Summer School Coming to an End

Doing Business in Europe summer school

Time Flies When You Are Having Fun

So, I’m currently sitting in the computer lab at Hanze University, preparing for my final exam and presentations due in the morning; I’m amazed that I’ve just finished my last lecture of the summer program. It’s true when they say ‘time flies when you’re having fun’.

Just yesterday, I was at the Groningen Sea Port; it was so impressive. While driving around the port on the bus, it was easy to see just how grand the site is. It’s incredible the energy that is developed; countries from around Europe are investing and building here. It’s also impressive that there are both natural gas and renewable energy sources found on site.

The powerboat tour at the port was such an experience; though it was a rush to drive around on one of these boats, it was also neat to see the work that was taking place on the water side (sheep and windmills living in harmony!); I was more than impressed.

I also loved that we were able to see windmills broken down before construction; it’s obvious from afar that the structures are large, but when you see the actual blades on the ground before assembly, it’s a much greater appreciation of just how grand a windmill is.

I also need to add that our boat driver (a very brave man) let me drive our powerboat! Just one more awesome thing to add to a list of accomplishments since landing in NL!

Robyn Wilkie
Student, Business Administration
Waterfront Campus

A Typical Day in Groningen

It’s been a wonderful time in Europe with a lot of stories to tell and experiences to learn from such as: the lecturers at the Hanze University that show another perspective in the way to do business; the excursions to Bremen, Leer, Amsterdam, and the Groningen Sea port; and the interaction with the people of The Netherlands.

A regular day starts in the student house, which is not a house, but a building with students from all nationalities ; I look through the window of my room in the morning trying to forecast the weather, but that reminds me of Nova Scotia, where the weather can change at any moment. After getting ready, I start biking to the university where a cup of coffee at `The Australian`` (the coffee place), is waiting for me.
After a day of intense academic effort, there is always something to do; the facilitators of the “Student Association” have been more than simple organizers of the program; they became friends that are always helping the students to discover why Groningen is the ``City of Talent``.

This place has been our home for 20 days; we still have a few more days of presentations, exams and of course, lots of fun!

Nicolas Mendoza
Student, Business Administration
Waterfront Campus

Posted by NSCC Intl 07:16 Archived in Netherlands

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