A Travellerspoint blog

2011 Summer Program “Doing Business In Europe”

Arrival in Groningen and first week of program





The 2011 Summer Program “Doing Business in Europe” has officially started at the beginning of this week in Groningen, the Netherlands. A group of five students and one faculty member from the NSCC School of Business are participating in the above program organized by several business schools at Hanze University of Applied Sciences. A member of NSCC International is also on site to support the group during the initial phase of the program.

This three-week program is a combination of academic sessions, professional site visits (to companies in Groningen, Amsterdam and Bremen, Germany) and various cross-cultural activities. Students will learn about various aspects, such as marketing, management, accounting and legal, of doing business in countries of the European Union. Program facilitators include Hanze University professors, as well as guest speakers from the private sector.

In addition to NSCC students, the program also includes students from one Canadian and two US universities and colleges. This is the first summer program of this kind offered at Hanze University and the initial feedback from all participants has been very positive. Our colleagues at Hanze are doing a great job and everyone is looking forward to the upcoming sessions.

A big thank you goes to representatives of the Hanze University Student Association who have organized a very interesting cultural and social program for summer program participants, including the bike city orientation, museum visit, and pan cake lunch.

In addition to the summer program, NSCC and Hanze University are implementing another joint project - The Energy Efficiency in the Built Environment (EEBE) is a 3 year Canada – European Union student and faculty exchange project (2010-2013) funded by Human Resources and Skills Development Canada and the European Union. NSCC is the lead college in this project and the other partners are Holland College (PEI), Hanze University of Applied Sciences Groningen (Netherlands) and the Institute of Technology Carlow (Ireland). EEBE will employ a project-based learning approach to give students the practical skills and international context required to take a leadership role in significantly improving energy efficiency practice in the built environment industry. The EEBE project will fund teams of students and faculty to travel between the four partner institutions to work together on planning and executing energy efficiency retro-fits on older housing stock.

More blog entries on the summer program experience by students and the faculty lead will follow shortly.

Zoran Kondali

Posted by NSCC Intl 08:35 Archived in Netherlands

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