A Travellerspoint blog

Day 2 in Mikumi

sunny 28 °C

Greetings from Mikumi:

Today Ashley and I got to the training session around 8:00am and waited for a few minutes until the students finished the project they were working on. The training is taking place in the building that houses the electrical courses. Today Pasiens, one of the entrepreneurship faculty, started the session with a workshop on risk. He did a fantastic job and we all learned the difference between gambling and risk. I continued with my material on marketing and parts of the business plan. The participants asked lots of great questions and were fully engaged. They all have a basic understanding about entrepreneurship but have a thirst for more. One of them said he wants to start a business after listening to me. I must be doing a great selling job :). During the afternoon I completed the material for the next 2 sessions while Ashley caught up on some well deserved sleep. The food here is very good and consists of chicken, beef, rice, noodles and a few vegetables. The campus here is a buzz of activity as they are hosting a conference for 200 participants. This is keeping everyone busy including many of the tourism and culinary students. What a great learning opportunity. It is nice to be reacquainted with our friends who attended CCEDP in the summer as well as the principal and chair who visited the college this fall. I am sure the rest of the week will continue to be busy.

All the best.

Posted by NSCC Intl 08:45 Archived in Tanzania

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