A Travellerspoint blog

Kristy's Blog

International Service Learning Program, Health and Human Services 2011

After months of anticipation and preparation for my Africa trip, I thought once I step on the ground reality will kick in. However, it has been the exact opposite. I have been eating local food, learning, hearing and speaking Swahili and absorbing the culture, but at the end of the day it is all like a dream. I am amazed by everything in Tanzania. The people, the place, the food, the smell and the feelings I have about it all. Even though we are “wazungus” people have welcomed us with open arms and whole hearts. Language is no barrier here. Even though we can’t speak Swahili, and some of the Tanzanians can’t speak much English, we are still able to communicate and connect with each other. This is an incredible experience that I will never ever forget!

Kristy Normore
Human Services
Marconi Campus

Posted by NSCC Intl 03:13 Archived in Tanzania

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May you continue to enjoy your "dream" for years to come Kristy. Blogging is such a great way to sort out the experiences and reflect on your learning. And it is darned good fun for those of us at home!

by Lorraine Mockford

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