A Travellerspoint blog

Kerry's Blog

International Service Learning Program, Health and Human Services 2011

I said to myself , “once we get to Switzerland it surely will feel like I am going. . .” Seven hours later, after sitting in the Zurich airport for what felt like days, I said to myself “once we land in Nairobi, it surely will feel like I am going. . .” Another eight hours later the excitement is building as we are the only (ones) left on the plane, but still I say to myself, “once we land in Dar es Salaam it will have to feel like I am there!” It is now Monday at 4:42pm Dar time, I have been in Africa for almost 48 hours and I have only just said “It’s unbelievable, I am in Dar es Salaam Africa.” Around 21 hours (not including time change), two sunrises in less than 24 hours, only three hours of darkness in one night, only two and a half hours of sleep, a tour of the Village Museum, amazing food, incredible dancing and music, wonderful people, and our first trip to see the Kimara Peer Educators, I finally feel like we are here and that this really is not a dream, or a clip from a movie. I have never felt so welcomed or seen so many smiling people so proud to have us visit their beautiful country. The people of Tanzania have already captured a piece of my heart. I know this was the chance of a lifetime for me and I know Tanzania will hold a place in my heart forever and it’s only day two. I can’t wait to see what adventures will unfold for us next. I am making friends and memories that will stay with me the rest of my lifetime.

Kerry Marshall
Human Services, Burridge Campus

Posted by NSCC Intl 06:54 Archived in Tanzania

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The description of your journey to Tanzania is just perfect Kerry! I always tell myself the getting there is part of the adventure and savour every moment. Enjoy your adventures!

by Lorraine Mockford

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