Sally's Blog
International Service Learning Program, Health and Human Services 2011
My time in Tanzania has been full of ups and downs. I have been on an emotional rollercoaster for the last four days and it is one of the best experiences of my life. Everyday I see some things that break my heart and after I see something that mends it and make my spirit soar. I never thought I would come across a group of people as friendly and welcoming as Nova Scotians, but being in Dar es Salaam feels more like coming home than it feels like going visiting. I have seen many things here that are hard to process in my head and my heart but I’ve seen even more things that show the pride and hard working nature of the people of Tanzania.. This reminds me that just because I am a Canadian, Canada is not the standard that the world has to live up to. Some aspects of what I see may seem sub-par compared to things at home but I also see that if anything I have more than I need and can’t appreciate it enough. The most important lesson I will take home with me is that when it comes to Canada and Tanzania neither culture is better or worse, they’re just different and that’s a positive thing.
Sally Morgan
Human Services, Kingstec Campus