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Kari's Blog Entry

EEBE Exchange to the Netherlands

semi-overcast 6 °C

After being in Groningen for almost a week I have decided that I love this city. I love the Architecture, the stores, the restaurants, the people, the biking and so much more. I have to say, I was very sceptical when it came to eating out in Groningen, but so far the food has been excellent. Some of the other students on the exchange have been a little braver when it comes trying the food out of the wall or some of the strange foods in the restaurants. The day that we went and got our bikes I was so excited to be able to bike around and explore the city more. My bike was a little bigger than I was used to and the traffic made us all nervous, but I quickly adjusted to it after hours of biking and exploring. Biking seems like the best way to get around in Groningen. You can easily hop on your bike and go anywhere whenever you want. On Monday, our first day of school, unfortunately my bike broke just after two minutes of biking. Lucky for me, I got to ride on the back of Katie’s bike all the way to school which was a pretty scary experience but it seems to be pretty normal here. At school we met the Dutch students that we are going to be working with. They were all very nice and I was quite impressed with their English. Some of the Dutch students have taken us out to show us around the city which was very helpful. We have all done quite a bit of exploring around the city and there is just so much to look at and so many places to go. So far our trip has been amazing and I am not going to want to leave!

Kari Jones
NSCC Student, Architectural Engineering Technology

Posted by NSCC Intl 00:26 Archived in Netherlands

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