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Tyler's Blog Entry

EEBE Exchange to the Netherlands

overcast 4 °C

Flying out of Halifax on Friday morning with stops in Ottawa, Frankfurt, landing in Amsterdam, and then taking two trains to arrive in Groningen on Saturday afternoon was a long, tiresome experience. Dealing with the jet leg, time change, and culture shock made the first few days tough, but once we all got settled into the Simplon Youth Hostel moods changed. Sunday afternoon we all headed out to rent our bikes for the next couple of weeks, seeing everyone dealing with this change in transportation modes was very amusing, but after a few trips around town everyone settled in alright. Monday morning was the first day of classes, we all gathered in a conference room where we learned about and met with the coordinators of our project. An hour later we were greeted by the Dutch students that we would be working with for the next few weeks, thankfully and to our surprise each student spoke decent English. After school we had a chance to tour the town and quickly realized that things weren’t like we expected them to be. The food portions were right around the same size as home, although liquids are a different story, the weather is cold and wet and for the most part the Dutch seem to be very nice and pleasant people. Everyone on the exchange seem to be getting along alright and we are all having a blast and trying to make the most out of this awesome experience.

-Tyler Doherty-

NSCC Construction Management Student

Posted by NSCC Intl 00:21 Archived in Netherlands

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