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Lorin's Blog

Caribbean delegation visit CCEDP

As a staff of the T.A. Marryshow Community College (TAMCC), Grenada, I was excited when I learnt I was to be part of a team of seven (7) employees visiting Nova Scotia, Canada. Although this was not my first trip to Canada, it was my first trip to Nova Scotia, so of course I wondered if Halifax and Truro will be similar to Scarborough which I visited back in 1996. I am not sure if it is because of my maturity or the company but I have concluded that I am drawn to the life style of the people of Nova Scotia because of their kindness and warmth far more so than I remembered of the people of Scarborough. Again, back in 1996 I was still a teenager, so who knows, maybe if I visit Scarborough today, I might find out that all the people of Canada are the same, extending warmth and kindness to all they meet!

To return to the essence of my blog, TAMCC and the Nova Scotia Community College (NSCC) are working together to develop a curriculum in Cultural Studies which will be beneficial to our two countries and so as part of the team, four members of TAMCC have been selected to be trained in Facilitating the Adult Learner and five members were training in Assessing and Evaluating Adult Learning. These two courses are part of NSCC's Community College Education Diploma Program (CCEDP). To complete the training five members of the TAMCC team stayed at NSCC Truro’s Campus from July 14 – 26, 2013.

The conclusion of these training left me with the knowledge of how best to incorporate the BOPPPS method into lesson planning. This course confirmed to me, that to totally engage a class room of learners; facilitators need to employ differentiated learning. I am also armed with the different classroom Assessments and Evaluation techniques and methods of incorporating them into my future lessons. Preparing and delivering micro teaching lessons to other faculties and receiving and giving feedback has allowed me to grow stronger in my profession. I believe these new techniques will enable me to understand the current level of my learners and the ability to transfer additional information to them in a most efficient manner.

While the training impacted powerful messages and gave us new insights into many useful classroom delivery styles, assessment and evaluation methods; what was profound to me was the sincerity of the fifty (50) or more Canadian faculty members that experience the training with us. Not once were our suggestions not taken seriously or any recommendations ignored. We were treated as equals in and out of the classroom. Thank you to NSCC and the wonderful people of Nova Scotia. Hats off to our facilitators, Dave, Maria and Taralee!

Lorin Alexander
T.A. Marryshow Community College (Grenada)

Posted by NSCC Intl 06:17 Archived in Canada Tagged education caribbean nova_scotia teaching grenada learning nscc

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