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Diana's Blog

Caribbean delegation takes part in CCEDP

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My name is Diana Louard and I was afforded the opportunity to be part of a team of two who journeyed from the beautiful island of St. Kitts representing the Clarence Fitzroy Bryant College( CFBC).

One of the best experiences of my life. Adventure and learning, what more can one say. This experience and opportunity that I was given to be a part of the CCEDP course blew away all my expectations. The two week course consisted of academic sessions such as seminars, teaching, presentations and workshops which were led by team of extremely knowledgeable persons who were so willing to impart their knowledge to us.

The first week especially the microteaching lesson I must admit I learnt so much. To be assessed and to get feedback from peers and faculty reinforced what I knew but also helped me to look at myself not only as a teacher but also helped me to see through the eyes of a student. At the end of this session, I actually fell more in love with teaching. I am so anxious and excited to implement and apply some of the techniques and applications that I know will make me a better teacher.

Second week, was more relaxed, but just as insightful. Written assignments, reflections...Did I say reflections on seminars, evaluations...! I learnt about various assessment and evaluation techniques and the important roles these techniques have on the learning outcomes on the student.
With all the interaction I was able to share my culture with persons who might have heard about the island and I in turn learnt so much about Truro and Halifax.. This in itself was an added bonus.

The staff of NSCC was so helpful, always willing to assist in every possible way. The facilitators who shared their knowledge, experiences, feedback all of this were invaluable. The warmest, friendliest people I have every come across were the people of Truro and Halifax . To the persons who made this experience possible again I say thanks.

Am I willing to share experiences and knowledge? In a heartbeat!

Diana Louard
Clarence Fitzroy Bryant College (St. Kitts)

Posted by NSCC Intl 06:16 Archived in Canada Tagged education caribbean nova_scotia teaching learning nscc st._kitts

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