A Travellerspoint blog

Anne's Blog

International Service Learning Program in Belize 2013


As we drive to Hillside clinic each day we pass a tree called the flamboyant tree. It has beautiful orange-red blossoms on a bed of green. It is growing on land that is dry and burnt from lack of rain next to houses that are shacks by our standards. It grows unexpectedly and flourishes despite adversity and its beauty never fails to amaze me.

That has been my impression of the Health and Human services students from NSCC.They started as strangers,unsure of themselves and others and have blossomed into mature young men and women. They have endured long delays at airports,a hot an crowded 6 hour bus ride,intense heat and a dry swimming pool.They have tackled new challenges like the heat, close quarters with virtual strangers and new foods(fry jacks) with enthusiasm.They have thrown themselves into new situations like the Toledo schools and Hillside clinic with little trepidation and a lot of passion,eager to teach and learn at the same time.They have offered shoulders to cry on and encouragement and praise for jobs well done.They have truly been like the flamboyant tree, strong, beautiful and an unexpected pleasure .Well done guys and gals.

Anne Schleit
Continuing Care Assistant Faculty
NSCC, Burridge Campus

Posted by NSCC Intl 09:12 Archived in Belize Tagged education belize nova_scotia health study_abroad service_learning

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