A Travellerspoint blog

Walk Up the Hill

NSCC Library Services in Mikumi Tanzania 2013

Yesterday we climbed the hill on Mikumi Campus. Guided by Saronga, the Tour Guiding Instructor who has been accompanying us during much of our stay here, we stopped at different work shops on the way. Bricklaying, carpentry, and secretarial. We met faculty and students and even had an impromptu instructional session with a few faculty and the Nexus tablets we brought with us. We continued up the hill to a narrow steep dirt and rock path that carried up between strange trees. At the top, the view of Mikumi village and the surrounding mountains was beautiful. It is strange to see so much green and lushness after being in Nova Scotia winter for months. Saronga’s office and classroom are both on the top of the hill – surrounded by the stunning views and sounds of the countryside. We attended his class where he gave his students, and us, a lesson in vertebrate and invertebrate taxonomy. He is begninng his lessons with his students by explaining the importance of plants and animals and our relationships with them. After his lesson I introduced the Nexus tablets explaining them as small, portable libraries. And we broke into small groups with the students and demonstrated how to use the eBooks and Tour Guiding Apps. They loved the tablets and had many questions about how to use them, they learned quickly and soon looked like experienced users.
They seemed to really love learning and asking me questions about Canada and what I thought of Tanzania. They show such genuine happiness and interest, it is incredible.
Tanzanians have big smiles, and they are given often. They say hello for ages and in many different ways, hand shaking the whole time. Much is made of asking “how are you” and saying “you are welcome”. It is wonderful, the kindness is as warm as the sun. I have not yet figured out “farewell” or “goodbye” as “hello” and “welcome” seem more impotant. I can see why though – I think it ill be very difficult to say goodbye to these people and this place. I already feel at home.

Leigh Gagnier
Electronic Services Librarian

Posted by NSCC Intl 07:32 Archived in Tanzania Tagged tanzania nova scotia ebooks resources electronic libraries

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