A Travellerspoint blog

Katie's Final Thoughts

Energy Efficiency in the Built Environment Exchange to the Netherlands 2013

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The past three weeks have definitely been filled with experiences I won’t ever forget and I have made awesome friends with students from Canada and the Netherlands. Even with some challenges along the way, this exchange helped me gain valuable problem solving skills necessary to have when working with a large international group. It showed me that even with cultural differences and different ways of learning, people can work together and produce well rounded results. I now know once I am employed I will have enough experience to work comfortably in international situations. It has also showed me that there should be more international collaboration when it comes to building practices because I feel there is a lot to gain and I will do my best to promote that once I am employed.

Katie Healey
NSCC Student, Civil Engineering Technology
Waterfront Campus

Posted by NSCC Intl 09:07 Archived in Netherlands Tagged education the netherlands energy abroad exchange nova scotia study efficiency

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